Chinese College of EECP Training Opens in China

Organized by the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering and the International EECP Society, under the Chairmen Dr. Guifu Wu, Professor, Chief Physician and PhD Advisor, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University the Chinese College of EECP Training has been established.

The Chinese College of EECP Training with its Academic Consultants, Professors, Zhen Sheng Zheng, Xiao Ming Liang and Hong Ma, enjoys a notable Committee of Experts that includes Prof. Wei Gao (Peking University), Prof. Xugang Dong (First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University), Prof. Yubo Fan (Beihang University), Yawei Xu, Prof. Tianlun Yang (Xiangya Hospital – Central South University), Prof. Xi Li (Xian Jiaotong University Global Health Institute), Qiangsun Zheng, and Dr. Hui Zhang, (Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University).

For more information contact Prof. Guifu Wu at

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Updated: July 30, 2020 — 12:59 pm

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